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Thursday, December 22, 2011

Kids these days.

Hello! Sorry for not blogging often! I tried to update like weeks ago. 2 or 3 weeks ago but when I clicked "Published Post" and then I view my post....

It's blank.


My world literally crashed on my little poor soul. It took me so freakish long to do a freakish long post about my Day 1 in Taiwan ):

*#&@*#^&^$&*#@^$# blogger!

All my hardwork just got washed into the drain without an blink of any eye D:

Seriously WTFML.

Anyway, I have been busy working at my aunt's shop, Seven Star. Helping her our as Christmas is coming (Gheee~) so there will be a lot of customers coming to her shop.

She open a mini supermarket in a small town, as in my 2nd home sweet home, Lawas. Which is located in Sarawak, Malaysia. It's very small but full of kind and warm people whom I love very much! :D

I supposed to be sleeping now and I'm here sacrificing a little time of my beauty sleep to blog :D Seeeeeeeee! How thoughtful am I? (A) Haha!

Well, today, I logged into my Facebook account and guess what I found?

A video of a couple in Hong Kong public place, looks like a park, making love, yes, as in sex, yes. I mean come onnnnn! Get a room or something. You might disgust the passer-bys. Anytime anyone might puke their meals out. Gross o.o

Here is the video link~ (Apparently, I can't post the video here but only gives you the link -.-  Again, WTFML)


Oh and, sorry guys. My laptop just got reformatted before I come to Malaysia so.. the story of my trip will be delayed. Sorry!!!

*shout* I love you all~! *echo*

Ciao~ Time to sleep and wake up at 7am tomorrow and face the swamp of customers! Ahhhhh~!

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