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Sunday, July 24, 2011

Just another rant

I'm soo freaking pissed off right now! I've been swearing in my twitter and go "Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck....." and so on!

I hate how there is people in this world who likes to FORCE people to do something that they DO NOT want to do. I mean, hey, come on lah, people got things that they dislike and like to do okay. You got no right to fucking force people to do something they don't want to!

Even a cat will also get angry if you force it.

I mean for example, you force this dude to do something important for you, let's say some random project that he is clearly not interested in. And there you are forcing him to do that project. Finally, at the end of the day, the results of the project is not what you have in mind or not pretty or not whatever shits. And you started blaming that poor dude.

Tell me fair not?!

THERE! Your answer!

How would you feel if people force you to do that something that you really dislikes or have no mood to do? PISSED OFF RIGHT? Argh! Stupid people!

Yes, I must get used to it. Phew, my mood just calmed down a bit after all these.

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